Sunday 17 April 2011

How To Get a Girlfriend
It is such s nice feeling to have someone to love you and care about you, its nice to be in a relationship. But what we noticed this changes from period to period. Sometimes you just love to be with that one girl and stay with her for few months/years, then you go back to wanting more variety and you want to be with as many girls as possible; balance is the key.
Finding yourself a nice girlfriend is not such an easy task. It is easy to find someone for one night/week, but person that’s truly compatible with you; person that will love you that will do everything for you and of course you for her, is much harder. Finding that girlfriend for a long period is like a project and should be taken seriously.
Look, do you really want to be stuck with first girl out there for months/years?  If you do so, you really do not value your time on this planet. There is nothing worst then being in a bad relationship. Just imagine being in a relationship with a girl that doesn’t pay attention to you or girl addicted to drugs? If all your screening process are based on how the girl looks, you may end up with one of those.
Few years ago, I ended up with one extremely hot girl who was a model as well. Everything was perfect till the moment when I was night at her place at night. While turning off the lights in her bedroom, she had to turn them on/off an exact number of times before going to bed...7-8x (that girl had issues).
My psycho alarms went on, and that was our last night together. This is a real life, and those are some serious problems. It all starts from yourself, how much are you willing to tolerate?
Let say you want a girlfriend; do you know what are you searching for? Is it just a girl that is pretty or something more?
Your projects start with writing exactly what are you searching for. Take a pen and paper and write a list of qualities she has to have to be with you. YES! Do it NOW, without a delay and when you’ve got a first draft decide to dedicate one whole day of your life just thinking about it and writing down all your notes (it is that important)
If you don’t do it, you will not get the results you want! That is a certainty.
Example :
1) she has to be blond
2) she has to be intelligent
3) she has to be loving & caring
4) she wants a Long term relationship.
5) she has long legs
The more specific you are the better. Just like when you are buying a car.
That's the car you going to drive for year / two; you MUST be very specific!
Something that's very useful to know is that not every girl is good for long-term relationship. That's something we teach you in DNA. There are girls that wan to party and play looking for one-night stand and girls looking for relationship or marriage. It really hurts to see those clueless guys who end up marring party girls.
If you are searching for a long-term relationship, you are searching for emotional girl; girls seeking that deep emotional connection and love.
If you know exactly what you want, then when you approach a girl, you start to screen her. Is she smart? is she for long term? And so on. As a result, you become a chooser; you are screening her, not other way around. Now she has to pass your tests. This also show during dating, she is dating you; not other way around.
You know that feeling when you are on a date wit a gorgeous woman and you’re trying to do your best just to impress her so she would like you? Women do the same thing. If she senses that you are screening her, she will be focused more on how she looks to you than how you look to her.
By default girls know exactly what kind of guy they want, and they will screen if he is "the one", what you can do is start screening her before she does it to you. Disarm them with their main tools. They have no way against this.
If you want a quality girlfriend, you won’t go to clubs. That’s a wrong place to search for her. Quality girls for relationship you will find around universities, libraries, museums, parks, malls mostly day locations.
You have to use DNA Dominant method, with delayed intimacy. That means you are not going to sleep with her on a first date, but you will take her on 2-3 dates, and then take her home.  Use dates to get to know girl, and filter out potential psychos, gold-diggers, party girls etc. Don’t take her on too many dates before you start being more physically intimate. Remember; she wants the same thing. About three dates average is the norm although it can be as little as one and as much as five. The sooner you push for physical intimacy, the more you signal that you’re after just one thing. The longer you delay, the more you signal that you just want to be friends. You have to use your own intuition, which way to go. Remember, if she is on a date with you, she wants you too.
Once you sleep with an emotional girl you are already halfway to a relationship with her. They require lots of trust & comfort & connection  (TCC), and that's what you should mostly concentrate on with them. That's how you get the emotional circuits going. Once they trust you and they feel " connection" they are all yours.
Formula to start a relationship:
1. Sleep with her on 2nd-3rd date, make love with intensive eye contact, pillow talk, make sure she leaves home happy.
2. Next morning/early afternoon   send her a sweet  "good morning" text message and try to set up to see each other in one of the fallowing days( leave day or two space between  days you see her)
3. Alternate between taking her to a proper nice date and watching  a TV at your place. Get her used to seeing you 3-4 times a week.
… and that’s it You have a Girlfriend!